This client was the largest photo printing and scrapbooking company in America. They boasted revenue of over 350 million at their peak. Unfortunately, they were caught off guard when the digital era took over. Much of their market was also not tech savvy or digitally current. They lost major market share to Snapfish & Shutterfly competition. Their biggest problems lied in not having a full stack cloud software platform that appealed to millennials, clunky older legacy platforms and an antiquated business model. I was hired to take on their digital strategy and build their next generation of software.
“A much needed digital innovation in a cluttered analog space.”
One of the first things we did was re-think how photos should be favored. Creating a timeline thatmimicked a google world maps experience and allowed you to pinch in and out to expand the timeline of your life. Cloud based albums that allowed you to shoot and collaborate with friends and family members, shooting into the same shared album. We also re-thought their business model of printing physical photos and how to create more of a Netflix style payment system for triggering shipments when a certain number of tiered photo plans were reached.